Core Programmes
3rd Class Drill
The 3rd Class Drill badge may be awarded to a cadet of any level who is smart in turn-out and bearing and who has passed the basic commands test conducted twice a year at unit level.
2nd Class Drill
The 2nd Class Drill badge may be awarded to a cadet who is already the holder of the 3rd Class Drill Badge and who has passed the following tests conducted twice a year at unit level.
- a) Have the knowledge of the advance static & marching commands.
- b) Able to take a squad and execute the basic rifle drills.
1st Class Drill
The 1st Class Drill badge may be awarded to a cadet who is already the holder of the 2nd Class Drill Badge and who has passed the following tests conducted twice a year at unit level.
- a) Have the knowledge of the advance rifle drills.
- b) Able to organise and conduct a muster parade at unit level.
Enrichment Courses and Campcraft
Enrichment Courses
As a cadet, you will have the opportunity to go through courses like First Aid, Swimming, Life-saving & Kayaking for personal development in your respective units.
Cadets will also have the opportunity to learn different campcraft skills.
You will get a chance to learn the above skills and , in the process, build resilience in yourself and teamwork among your teammates.
Road Safety
The Road Safety Course is conducted online for Secondary One Cadets as part of the requirement to attain proficiency badges under the SPF-NPCC Badge category. The purpose of the course is to better understand the basics of road safety, such as:
- Traffic Signs and Signals;
- Road Safety for Pedestrians & Pedal Cyclists; and
- Crime Prevention Tips for Road Safety.
Interested Units may also have their Secondary Two Cadets participate in the Road Safety Marshalling duty.
SGSecure & Homefront Security
The SGSecure Course is conducted by our SPF SGSecure Facilitators from the Training Command for Secondary One Cadets. With the current COVID-19 pandemic, the SGSecure Course is currently conducted online.
The course aims to equip cadets with three core actions that they can do in the fight against terrorism:
- Staying Alert to prevent a terrorist attack and to keep yourself safe in the event of an attack;
- Staying United to help on another, especially after an attack; and
- Staying Strong to safeguard our social fabric and bounce back as one people.
The Homefront Security (HFS) Course is conducted online for Secondary Three Cadets. The course aims to equip cadets with the relevant knowledge as follows:
- Greater awareness on specific threats like chemical, biological and radiological, and the consequences attributed to terrorism;
- Skills and knowledge in identifying suspicious persons or items found in public places and transport; and
- Public Warning System and Emergency Evacuation Procedures.
The Homefront Security badge is awarded to a Secondary Three cadet who has completed the Homefront Security Course and passed a written test at the end of the course.
Visit to Police Establishments
Want to check out the difference between the past and present Singapore Police Force and how a Neighbourhood Police Centre operates? Cadets will have the opportunity to experience the following during their journey with NPCC:
- Police Heritage Centre
- Neighbourhood Police Centre
- Home Team Gallery
- Police Coast Guard
Community Outreach
Cadets will have the opportunity to take part in the following Community Outreach Programmes organised by the schools:
- Community Safety and Security Programme (CSSP) for Secondary Two Cadets; and
- Police Youth Ambassador (PYA) Programme for Secondary Three Cadets.
The objectives of the programmes are to educate cadets to understand that:
- To be socially conscious is to take ownership of educating the community of safety and security, as well as to assist in enforcing those values and beliefs through actions; and
- Taking ownership in improving the safety and security of the community is an important part of being socially conscious - serving the common good.
The CSSP and PYA Badges are awarded to cadets who have successfully completed the Community Outreach Programmes.
Total Defence
Under the Total Defence Programme for Uniformed Groups by NEXUS, cadets will participate in and lead Total Defence-related activities within their units, schools, and/or communities using the lesson packages designed by NEXUS. Cadets will gain a deeper appreciation of Total Defence, put Total Defence into action, and be advocates for Total Defence as they earn the Bronze, Silver and Gold Badges. After going through the Total Defence curriculum and engaging activities like “Guardians of the City”, a Total Defence strategy card game, cadets will have a deeper understanding of the changing nature of threats and challenges which Singapore face today.
Civil Defence
The Civil Defence course is conducted for Secondary Two Cadets in collaboration with the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF). Cadets will enrol in the Community Emergency Preparedness Programme (CEPP) and undergo basic theory and practical training in both firefighting and first aid skills. Upon completing the “I AM SAFE” and “RESPONSE READY” modules, cadets will be awarded the Civil Defence badge with the option of signing up for the more advanced “LIFESAVER” programme.
Anti-Narcotics (SANA) Course
The Anti-Narcotics course is conducted for Secondary Two Cadets in collaboration with the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association (SANA). This course aims to heighten awareness of the threats of drug abuse, encourage cadets to understand the importance of drug prevention and thus, prevent themselves as well as others in becoming victims to drug abuse. As a youth movement, cadets would then be able to become active advocates in spreading the need for a drug-free Singapore.
In this blended course, cadets would learn about Singapore’s fight towards a drug-free Singapore and plan an awareness project to be done in their school to promote awareness to their school mates on the harmful effects of abusing drugs.
Maritime Policing
The National Police Cadet Corps (Sea) or NPCC (Sea) units, whilst bearing similar organisational structures, memberships, and functions to their land counterparts, the NPCC (Sea) cadets are put through a tailored maritime training programme which makes up 50% of their training curriculum.
Maritime Policing
The Singapore Police Coast Guard plays a pivotal role in maintaining Singapore’s security, particularly Singapore’s maritime security. NPCC (Sea) cadets will gain an insight of the following:
- Duties, functions and operations of the Singapore Police Coast Guard;
- a. Weapons Handling (MP5 & M4A1)
- b. Marksmanship firing in the Firing Simulator Trainer
- Key events in Singapore’s recent history that has shaped the Singapore Police Coast Guard operations;
- Importance of the Singapore Police Coast Guard to Singapore’s coastal security;
- Singapore’s thriving maritime landscape and economy.
Maritime Communication
Maritime communication involve ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communication. Over the years, the ways in which seamen communicate has changed drastically from the use of gongs, flags and day shapes to the use of radiotelephony equipment such as Very High Frequency (VHF) communication sets, Automatic Identification System (AIS) transponders and Global Positioning System (GPS) Satellites. NPCC (Sea) cadets will be taught the types of communication aids and tools available to the seamen and their uses, including those that were used in the past and those that are still very much relevant in today’s context.
Basic Coastal Navigation
As an extension of basic seamanship, NPCC (Sea) cadets, will be exposed to more intricate aspects of Basic Coastal Navigation. This is the form of navigation that is primarily used by the Singapore Police Coast Guard officers whilst patrolling and navigating through the waters of Singapore. This form of navigation relies on landmarks appearing on land (e.g. lighthouses, building, smokestacks) and at sea (e.g. bouys, beacons) to aid the seaman in navigating at sea.
Some topics that would be covered are:
- Compass Reading;
- Read, Understand & Interpret Chart Symbols, Abbreviation & Terms;
- Identify the salient features of the nautical chart;
- Chartwork-plotting position using geographical grid, compass bearings & Range and Bearing;
- Measuring distance on the nautical chart;
- Understanding the Maritime Buoyage System.
Basic Seamanship
Seamanship is the art, knowledge and competence of operating a ship. In this course, NPCC (Sea) cadets would learn key elements to seamanship; namely, boat handling, safety of life at sea and navigation. Topics covered under each component would be as follows.
Boat Handling
- Ropework on knots bends, hitches, lashings and splicing;
- Understanding of tidal streams.
Safety of Life at Sea
- Maritime Emergencies;
- Life Saving appliances;
- Fire Fighting appliances.
- Collision Regulations (Rules of the Road)
Kayaking 1 & 2 Star
Kayaking Course
The National Police Cadet Corps (Sea) organises the Kayaking (up to 2 Star courses) for Sea Unit cadets. The objective of the course is to build the cadets’ water confidence at sea. Upon completion of the course, the cadets would earn the Kayaking Badge.
The duration of the courses is as follows:
- a) Two days for Kayaking 1 Star Award
- b) Three days for Kayaking 2 Star Award
Sea Survival Training
As some of the training for NPCC (Sea) cadets are conducted out at sea, the cadets are provided with the basic skillsets to be able to survive at sea in the event of a mishap. The sea survival training provides the cadets with guidance and information to gain knowledge, understanding and proficiency required in personal survival techniques.
Cadets should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
- correctly don a buoyancy vest;
- launch and activate a liferaft;
- correctly & safely drop from height into the water;
- swim 50 metres to the liferaft with the aid of a buoyancy vest;
- board a liferaft;
- rescue a survivor with a lifebuoy.
Navigation Sortie
In this sortie, cadets will have a hands-on experience to demonstrate what they have learnt in the Maritime Training modules.
At the end of the sortie, cadets would have the knowledge to be able to:
- use nautical charts & publications;
- visually identify charted landmarks and important beacons;
- shoot bearings with a magnetic compass;
- identify International Code of Signals displayed on vessels;
- understand the applications of selected collision regulations;
- understand the procedures in different kinds of emergencies;
- understand the International Buoyage System.